December 2020 Newsletter

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Light For The Future Ministries
December 2020 Newsletter


Dear Friends and Family,

We want to wish you a VERY Merry Christmas! Melissa was thrilled to be able to travel to Guatemala from Dec 3 – Dec 10. Two ladies from the ministry, Submersion 14 went with her.  Their ministry supplies eco-friendly backpacks to children in-need all over the world. You can see more about their ministry at

We were thrilled to be able to handout backpacks to the children we teach English and Bible classes in our ministry. It was great to see the joy on the kid’s faces as they played with the hacky sacks, coloring books and crayons, and jump ropes included in the bags.

The next day, we went again to our ministry and had a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new virtual school that we will start in January of 2021 for 12 of the children in our ministry that will be in High School, grades 7-10. The school will be called E–Learning Centro Educativo Luz Para El Futuro!  

The students also received school t-shirts. A company called Proud to Believe made the shirts, and donated half the shirts as a way that they give back to their community. You can check them out here:

We also handed out food to all of the families in our ministry. With some extra goodies for Christmas! We have been blessed to be able to bless these families with food every month during the Covid pandemic! The families were very grateful for this support!  We are very thankful for the donation of a newer van to be able to bring all the food to the families.

Last month, we were praying that all of our students would receive scholarships for school and that we would get enough computers donated so that each student would have one for class. Once again, what we saw as impossible, God, in His goodness, provided! We are blown away by everyone who stepped up to help us with this new vision for ministry that God has given us. And for the new partnerships that we have made.
Please pray for our new school as we plan to begin Jan 18, 2021.

 Playing with the kids.

Handing out the backpacks.

Melissa cutting the ribbon to open the school!

School T-shirts

Food for the families
If you would like to make an end of year donation, please click on the button below or go to our website:
May God richly bless you as you celebrate with friends and family this Christmas Season, as we celebrate the greatest gift we have ever received …. the gift of our Savior!

Feliz Navidad,

Richard and Melissa Jefferson
Light for the Future ministries

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January 2021 Newsletter


November 2020 Newsletter