February 2021 Newsletter

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Light For The Future Ministries
February 2021 Newsletter

Dear Friends and Family,

God has kept Light For The Future Ministries busy in February. We have had to learn a new online platform for the e-learning school.  We are teaching calisthenics on Mondays, Music on Wednesdays, Melissa is teaching Art on Thursdays. And on Fridays, the students are learning Microsoft Excel to help them with their computer skills.  The students organized and executed a field trip on Feb 12th to a park.  They planned a cookout and organized games and events. It was great for them to get out and get some fresh air and exercise.

February saw the start of our regular Bible and English classes. We were thrilled to have some visitors from the States join us for one of the classes. We are blessed to have American and Guatemalan volunteers for this program.

We have also started Prayer Visits again with our families. We love the opportunity to bless these families and to find out how we can pray for them.

We are very excited about all the things going on in Guatemala.  God has blessed us with many talented and energetic volunteers.  We would not be able to enrich the lives of these children through our different programs without each volunteer.  We continue to seek your prayers and financial support as we start this new, exciting phase of our ministry!

The Spanish 4 students from Savannah Christian Preparatory School will be chatting with the students at our school in Guatemala. The students here asked questions of the students in Spanish, and the students in Guatemala asked questions in English. Both groups of students are excited by this opportunity to connect.  This program allows the students to develop their language skills.

Richard and Melissa are planning to be back in Guatemala in June for a month. We are praying that we may be able to have some people come visit us. Even if taking a full team is not possible this year. Please pray about joining us!

May God richly bless you and your family!
Dios le Bendiga!
Richard and Melissa Jefferson

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April 2021 Newsletter


January 2021 Newsletter